Syrian refugees $250m extra for schools

by Unknown , at Thursday, January 14, 2016 , have 0 comments
refugee camp within SyriaImage copyrightReuters
Image captionMillions of Syrian children have been displaced by war and are missing out on education
An extra $250m (£174m) emergency funding will be provided for educating Syrian refugee children this year, the UN global education envoy Gordon Brown has announced in New York.
This will support a plan to provide school places for a million refugees.
The funding has come from the European Union and donors in the Gulf.
Unless refugee families have access to education for their children, Mr Brown said "the death voyages to Europe will not fall but soar".
Refugees are typically away from their own homes for over a decade, Mr Brown said.
It can mean young people missing out on education, training and future job opportunities.

'End the exodus'

The lack of any access to school and the dangers to children in camps have helped to drive refugees towards Europe, said Mr Brown.
"Unless we can provide chances for children, every day new families will decide the only hope for their children's future is to leave for Europe," he added..
Syrian refugees $250m extra for schools
Syrian refugees $250m extra for schools - written by Unknown , published at Thursday, January 14, 2016 . And have 0 comments
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