Stop with the Vanity upon Vanity talk- Toke Makinwa tells people who hate on successful people

by Unknown , at Wednesday, December 02, 2015 , have 0 comments
Toke took to her Instagram this morning to address the notion some people have that successful people are not Godly or are not good Christians. She couldn't have said it any better. Read what she wrote below...
"I don't do religion, I think one of the major problems in the world today is religion. Wars have started in the name of religion, people are lost in certain doctrines, they don't know who God is. God is not a poor God, God does not delight in poverty! Being a Child of God does not mean you shouldn't desire the fine things of life. The street of heaven is made of Gold. Stop buying the lies sold to you.
Stop with the Vanity upon Vanity talk- Toke Makinwa tells people who hate on successful people
Stop with the Vanity upon Vanity talk- Toke Makinwa tells people who hate on successful people - written by Unknown , published at Wednesday, December 02, 2015 . And have 0 comments
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