Young Money Rapper Flow Wanted for Double Murder

by Unknown , at Friday, November 27, 2015 , have 0 comments

New Orleans police say he's a suspect in the killing of two men. 

Police are looking for one of Lil Wayne's Young Money rappers.
According to the New Orleans Times-Picayune, police have obtained a warrant for the arrest of N.O. rapperWidner "Flow" Degruy in the double murder of two brothers last week. Kendrick and Kendred Bishop, ages 22 and 18, were found shot dead last week inside their sedan in eastern New Orleans. 
The New Orleans Police Department told the Times-Picayune that they've identified Degruy, 23, and a possible second suspect "possibly running from the scene and making a purchase at a nearby store."
Degruy reportedly signed to Young Money in 2012. If found and arrested, Degruy faces two charges of second-degree murder. 
Young Money Rapper Flow Wanted for Double Murder
Young Money Rapper Flow Wanted for Double Murder - written by Unknown , published at Friday, November 27, 2015 . And have 0 comments
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