King-sunny ade won 500 million-lawsuit-victory-i-never-doubted-that-i-was-going-to-win.

by Unknown , at Saturday, November 28, 2015 , have 0 comments

King Sunny Ade 2Legendary juju musician King Sunny Ade last week won a N500million copyright infringement case filed more than 30 years ago. Although majority of the companies indebted to him have folded up, the Ondo state born musician told Saturday Beats that his works which were kept away from him all through the 30 years while the case was pending in court are more valuable than the N500m compensation money.
He said, “I never doubted that I was going to win. If I did, I would never have pursued the case all these years. At some point, people close to me discouraged me from pursuing the case but because I was firm in my belief, I went ahead and finally got justice. The pain I went through is even shared by my fans because there is a gap between my works between 1966 when I started, to 1974. But now I can bridge that gap even though the master tapes are yet to be returned to me even after the court pronouncement. I hope they will do that quickly. The parties involved have no choice than to honour the court order and I believe they are taking their time before acting.
“Although I won the case and believe in justice, I am more interested in my works than the N500m compensation. I will be happy to have the money but my works are of more value to me. The money will heal the pains of the last 30 years. I am going to be 70 years old next year and there would be no better gift at that age than my treasured works. I asked the court for N1bn and the court awarded me half of that amount. I believe that the loss of my master tapes since 1974 should cost about N1bn,” KSA said

King-sunny ade won 500 million-lawsuit-victory-i-never-doubted-that-i-was-going-to-win.
King-sunny ade won 500 million-lawsuit-victory-i-never-doubted-that-i-was-going-to-win. - written by Unknown , published at Saturday, November 28, 2015 . And have 0 comments
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