Davido Pop singer hints at new addition to luxury car collection

by Unknown , at Saturday, November 28, 2015 , have 0 comments
Barely a month after buying himself an Audi R8 for his birthday, popsinger, Davido has gotten himself yet another car for Christmas.
Davido buys 3 cars worth N90m in 11 monthsplay
Davido buys 3 cars worth N90m in 11 months

The father of one hinted at this via his IG page, asking fans to watch out for it, even though he neglected to mention the brand, probably to hieghten the suspense.
Davido's mercedesplay
Davido's mercedes

Davido shared the information, saying:
Davido's porshesplay
Davido's porshes

Davido already has about 8 exotic rides, could be more, including an Audi R8 which he got earlier this month, G-wagon, Range Sport, Porsche, a Chevrolet Camaro amongst others.
Davido's audi jeepplay
Davido's audi jeep

This celebrity sure loves his toys and we cant wait to see just how many he ends up with by Christmas.
Davido and Adewale Adeleke after acquiring 2015 Range Rover jeep worth N30mplay
Davido and Adewale Adeleke after acquiring 2015 Range Rover jeep worth N30m

Davido's older brother, Adewale Adeleke, was also reported to have acquired a 2015 range rover jeep early this month.
Davido's chevrolet from 2013play
Davido's chevrolet from 2013
This pop star's garage has actually grown, experiencing a lot of additions since January this year when he showed off some of his cars.
Davido's shows off range rover and mercedes jeepplay
Davido's shows off range rover and mercedes jeep

Davido Pop singer hints at new addition to luxury car collection
Davido Pop singer hints at new addition to luxury car collection - written by Unknown , published at Saturday, November 28, 2015 . And have 0 comments
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